1) These rules are considered a contract between the administration of the Tiekejai.eu website (hereinafter - Tiekejai.eu) and the website user (hereinafter - the User). Every user of the Tiekejas.eu website must familiarize himself with these rules. Every time a person uses the website, downloads supplier lists, downloads other works or publishes other information on the Tiekejai.eu website, the person is considered familiar with these rules and agrees with them.
2) The Tiekejai.eu website is a database that can be used by any user for personal purposes, in agreement with these terms and conditions (hereinafter - the terms).
3) All copyrights to Tiekejai.eu's database and website design belong to Tiekejai.eu's legal manager. Users of the database can use it under the established conditions and procedure, without violating the rights of the manufacturer and the legal owner of the database, the rights of the subjects of copyright and related rights to the works and objects of related rights that make up the content of the database.
4) It is prohibited to distribute or transfer to other media the text and graphic materials on the Tiekejai.eu website in any way and for any purpose not specified on the website or in these terms and conditions without the written consent of Tiekejai.eu.
5) The user chooses the services and products offered on the Tiekejai.eu website at their sole discretion, Tiekejas.eu is in no case responsible for the suitability or applicability of the service or product chosen by the user for a specific purpose.
6) The user can only use the material and information provided by Tiekejai.eu for personal purposes. This material and information may not be reproduced or distributed in any form, whether paid or not.
7) Payment can be made using any bank electronic card. Settlements are possible in euro currency. Payments are processed using the Stripe payment platform
8) Delivery - the selected supplier lists are sent to the e-mail specified by the user immediately, or downloaded from the Tiekejai.eu page after payment.
9) Refund - the user who purchased the supplier lists offered by us agrees that the money for the intellectual property (for the product supplier lists sold on the Tiekejai.eu website) cannot be refunded.
10) Visi tiekėjų sąrašai yra apsaugoti nuo kopijavimo ir redagavimo. Atsisiųsti dokumentai yra užrakinti siekiant apsaugoti autorių teises ir išvengti neteisėto turinio platinimo. Bet koks mėginimas apeiti šią apsaugą ar kopijuoti informaciją be raštiško Tiekejai.eu sutikimo yra griežtai draudžiamas.