
Individual supply sourcing worldwide

Professional supplier search for your business

Suppliers and manufacturers to suit your needs from all over the world!

Suppliers - tiekejai.eu

Global individual suppliers sourcing for your business. Professional wholesalers, dropshipping, manufacturers and oem sourcing worldwide. Suppliers List and free business lessons for newcomers. We have more than 7 years of experience in sourcing suppliers. We are freelance and work with all businesses. We will help you meet your expectations by finding the best solution, saving your time, money and nerves! Eligible Supplier a guarantee of success!

Professional Sourcing

If you can't find what you're looking for, get in touch - we love innovation.

Search for manufacturers

Finding manufacturers and OEM production under your brand name.

Finding manufacturers in all niches around the world! We can also organise production under your brand, find manufacturers of materials or raw materials.

Supply Sourcing

Wholesale suppliers and the search for them

Looking for wholesale goods at wholesale prices? We'll find wholesalers for your needs or product photos and the shop you want worldwide!

Supply Sourcing
Find Dropship suppliers

Dropshipping suppliers and finding them

Are you planning to enter the dropshipping business? Not satisfied with supplier prices? Expensive logistics and long delivery times? We can help

Supply Sourcing

Professional supplier lists

Unique, extensive supplier lists and business lessons for a successful start-up!

Why choose our services?

Professional sourcing of wholesalers, goods, manufacturers and organisation of OEM production. Supplier search based on store photos and addresses. 

Supplier sourcing Suppliers List


Extensive experience in finding dropship suppliers and solving problems. Logistics organisation and shortening

Reliability and quality

Our work and the information you receive from us is protected by a service contract we sign before each job.

Money insurance

With our professional sourcing, you only get paid when you find the right suppliers! If no suitable suppliers are found, the advance payment is refunded, which is a 100% money back guarantee for the customer.

Suppliers List

We have the widest and best selected list of suppliers in Lithuania at the lowest prices on the market, which is perfect for newcomers or businesses to add contacts.

Tell us your business idea!

Customers feedback

The best way to get paid for your work is with honest feedback.

Reliable, fast and friendly service. Your work is worthy of the highest praise, you explain everything and help me if I have any questions. Only the highest recommendations. I would go back for a second and third time.


We have asked suppliers.eu to find us suppliers for a certain product. They found them quite quickly, I would say exceeding expectations. We will definitely contact them in the future. UAB "Hidrogeologija"


The work was done quickly and efficiently.We even got several suitable manufacturers and a lot of information


The work is very easy, the communication is excellent, first the analysis of what the client wants, then the work, well excellent feedback RECOMMENDED


Thank you very much for finding suppliers. Fast and high quality work.


Great team! Reliable, answers all your questions, friendly. I really recommend it!


Excellent work. Finds suppliers quickly and without problems and negotiates the best terms. All you have to do is place your orders and keep your head down. I recommend

I got what I asked for incredibly quickly! Well done.


Everything is super and fast, I recommend it. Thank you

Excellent service, sent what they needed, really reliable.


They did their job quickly and to a high standard. I really recommend it!!


I recommend it! job well done. Always quick and specific with answers to questions, which is very important.


They know their job very well! Well done!


A good and reliable person, always helping to solve problems and giving advice

A super team! Everything was fast and smooth!:)

very friendly team working fast .


Very pleasant I recommend it



Thanks to our amazing clients, we are able to do this amazing work and get better every day with a wide range of businesses.

Latest news

Here you will find articles on business insights and suppliers. If you haven't found the right information for you but are looking for suppliers in another category - Contact.

Best selling products online: Tools and Tips for Discovering.

Success in e-commerce often depends on whether you are able to find and offer the best selling items or products on the internet. It can be a challenge, but with certain tools and techniques, you can[…]

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Major producing countries

The world's biggest manufacturers and their list TOP 10, which country could be the right choice for your business? 1. China - accounts for 28.7 percent of the world's manufacturing output! East Asia[...]

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Dropship suppliers for business start-ups

Our success in finding suppliers has led to an increase in enquiries from people who want to have their own dropship business. However, they don't understand anything about web development without programming knowledge, e-commerce automation and advertising, where to look for [...]

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